Hi! I'm Ayush Patel

I'm a Learner,

Currently, I am pursuing a B.Tech in Information Technology at IIIT Bhopal.

About Me

Hello! I'm Ayush Patel.

I am a person who is positive about every aspects of life.
I have an interest in web development and ML/AI.
Currently I am learning CSS and Java script.
I am currently a first year student at IIIT Bhopal pursuing a degree in Information Technology.

My Interest

Graphic Design

I'm interested in graphics design and visual communication.I am inspired by combining images phrases and ideas to illustarte to the target and audience.

Web Development

I'm interested in graphics design and visual communication.I am inspired by combining images phrases and ideas to illustarte to the target and audience.

Artificial Intelligence

I'm interested in graphics design and visual communication.I am inspired by combining images phrases and ideas to illustarte to the target and audience.

Graphic Design

I'm interested in graphics design and visual communication.I am inspired by combining images phrases and ideas to illustarte to the target and audience.

Graphic Design

I'm interested in graphics design and visual communication.I am inspired by combining images phrases and ideas to illustarte to the target and audience.

Graphic Design

I'm interested in graphics design and visual communication.I am inspired by combining images phrases and ideas to illustarte to the target and audience.

Contact Me

Call Me On

+91 6266066406

Email Me at

Visit Office

541/A, Trimurti nagar, Jabalpur,M.P.